humpback whales in maui

Humpback whales migrate to feed and breed. Many of these giants migrate to warm waters surrounding the Hawaiian islands in the winter and then the cooler polar waters in the summer. Many of these whales are frolicking in the waters of Alaska as we speak. The Polar waters are where they feed  and prepare for the trip back to warmer waters to breed and calve thier young.  The total amount of miles traveled each year by humpback whales averages around 6,000, which makes humpback whale migration one of the longest of any species.The Humpback whales can be expected to be quite plentiful between December and May, so if you are planning a winter vacation don’t forget to book a whale watching tour. Humpback whales have broad, round heads. They are black on top and have a patterned black-and-white underside, which is different on each whale. The flippers can be all white or all black, if you go on more than one whale watching tour during your stay you may be able to identify the individual whales by their unique markings. The humpback whale has a dorsal fin about two-thirds of the way down its back. The tail of the humpback whale can be very long–up to 18 feet. The tail is pointed at the tips.

Adult male humpback whales can reach 48 feet long, while adult females can grow a bit longer–up to 50 feet. Their weight ranges from 20 to 40 tons. See these humpback whales in Maui from November and May. It is a different experience when you get away from all the other tour boats and find your own whales. Humpback whales in Maui are birthing thier calves and finding new mates. There are competition pods thrashing in battle over a female and mothers teaching thier calves to breach.